his page sells a domain called “minify.info”. The period for which you can purchase is the period until you start your own service using this domain.
“Minify” is a word that is widely used in the world as a word for reduction. "Info" is a domain that represents information. The shortest domain to convey the meaning of “reduce information” is this “minify.info”.
Companies that develop information reduction services
Please contact tty.hosokawa (At sign) gmail.com
Make smaller
minify-> reduce
3,210,000 hits (2019/9/29)
The domain name info is a generic top-level domain (gTLD) in the Domain Name System (DNS) of the Internet. The name is derived from information, though registration requirements do not prescribe any particular theme.
minify.infoというドメインを販売するページです。 購入可能な期間は、このドメインを使った独自サービスを開始するまでの期間となります。
tty.hosokawa atto gmail.com までご連絡ください。
minify -> 縮小する
3,210,000 件ヒットします (2019/9/29)